West Granville Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dee M. Anderson - Pastor | Image Courtesy Troy Freund Photography

Pastor's Message

Rev. Dee M. Anderson - Pastor

It is a pleasure to welcome you in the name of Christ to the West Granville Web Site and by extension to the West Granville Community.

West Granville is a Christian Congregation rooted in a Branch of the Protestant family known as Presbyterian/Reformed. Our faith teaches that God's Sovereign Presence is with us through each day on the journey of faith and life. From the most difficult moments of struggle to the exuberant occasions of joyful celebration the presence of God sustains our very breath.

West Granville is an open and living congregation which believes that each person bears a reflection of the image and likeness of our Creator. Within the church family we are encouraged to share our insights, feelings and reflections freely. We treasure deeply held values and yet teach tolerance and respect. There is a true freedom from being accepted in a community of faith while being challenged to grow deeper in our walk with God.

West Granville is an inter-generational church family which values our most senior elders and our youngest voice. On any given Sunday service the Children's Choir may sing on the same day when we honor a couple on the occasion of their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. In our Sunday School we want each child to learn about God and experience the love of God. Our worship service is designed to help children praise God by remaining engaged through sung responses, coming forward for my Time With Children, the singing of our Children's Choir and the closing choral Amen. Congregation participation is the key.

It is my continuing pleasure to have served this unique congregation since 1985. Even though I have been the Pastor, it is truly the congregation which has taught me the meaning of faithful community. Together we seek to give Glory to God in Worship, Mission, Education and Fellowship. Please know that you are most welcome!

Background: Rev. Dee M. Anderson


  • 2006 Recipient of the Herbert Manning Jr. Award for Excellence in Parish Ministry, University of Dubuque
  • Graduated University of Dubuque Theological Seminary 1985
  • One year on Internship at Third Presbyterian Church, Rockford, IL
  • Clinical Pastor Education at the Iowa State Mental Hospital, Independence, IA
  • Graduated University of Dubuque, BS. Business Administration

Community Service:

  • Moderator of Milwaukee Presbytery, 2003
  • Board Member, Granville Interfaith for the Older Adult: Neighborhood Outreach
  • Chair, Milwaukee Presbytery Nominating Committee
  • Member of Maple Tree Coalition - with Maple Tree School, Millwood Park Neighborhood Association and Growing Power
  • Past Cabinet Member: Greater Milwaukee Interfaith Conference